Friday, July 23, 2010


I'm back in the land of kings and citizens ( to borrow from a good friend),the pearl of the Indian Ocean and not forgetting "the small miracle".It's good to be back in Sri Lanka (not that I've been away for too long) but after two years I feel I have returned to a different country.For instance when I left in 2008,the country was still in the midst of a "bloody civil war" and living in Colombo was the equivalent of carrying a ticking time bomb in your back pack,you'd never know when it would go boom on you and you would go splat! As a loyal user of the public transportation services of the nation,the threat and more importantly suspicion among fellow passengers was a cause for concern.Now it seems that Sri Lankans are simply happy with shoving,pushing and grabbing their fellow passengers in public transportation and are traveling around Colombo in relative complacency. Hurray for that!
Maybe it's time to explore Colombo again. Enjoy the sense of security and business-as-usual feeling that seems to permeate the city and see the city with fresh eyes.With an eye for the bizzare,the ridiculous,the poignant,the hilarious and of course the cruel,its time to pay homage to the nation's capital.Let's begin.