Friday, June 26, 2009

Introducing Verbocity

I've always believed that when in doubt of making any sense of the world,Marcus Aurelius always comes to one's assistance. I always imagine him talking to me from across layers of time,a flickering light of an oil lamp the only source of illumination as he looks up from his writing to tell me something I already know,only better phrased.
"Be content to seem what you really are." For instance take this quote which has been attributed to Aurelius.Nothing mind blowing if you really think about it but I am willing to accept it since it supposedly came from the mouth or mind of a venerable old man.At the end of the day I really have no proof he actually said it and for all I know he may have been quoting someone else altogether.But still Aurelius fascinates me,his words somehow ring true quite frequently.

What makes his words so authoritative? What makes words so authoritative?